How to have a clutter free home with kids
How to have a clutter free home with kids – top tips
Have you been wondering how to have a clutter free home with kids?
It really is not an impossibility we just need to have to the right stratergies in place.
Having a clutter-free home when you have young children can feel like a complete impossibility. They have endless toys and ‘stuff’ like changing mats and rattles, bottles and dummies. You are busy, overtired and in constant demand. Surely it’s impossible to keep the clutter in order? It isn’t though .you just need to be smart in how you tackle your clutter and you will be able to control it. Some people will advise you to just let clutter be when you have small children and accept it is part of the stage you are at in your parenting.
I don’t agree with this at all though. I think clutter causes problems both physically and emotionally and it is best managed.
Why clutter is an issue
Clutters not ideal when you have a baby or toddler because really it just adds to the chaos and disorder that a demanding young child brings. This can make you feel stressed and that you are not in control. A calm environment will make you feel more ordered and in control. It is also much safer of course for a young child to be in an uncluttered environment.
Are you scared to declutter?
Are you scared to declutter? it is a thing apparently – people have all sorts of issues around it. You can find out more about why we are scared to declutter here, it’s so important to not let fear hold you back from having a home you love and that works productively for you
How to easily control your clutter
- The easiest way to control your clutter is not to have too much ‘stuff’ in the first place. reducing your consumerism means less clutter and less expense. babies need very little really to entertain them and meet their needs. Don’t overbuy. This is key if you want to know how to have a clutter free home with kids
- Regular tidy up routines also really help with clutter so a clean sweep just before supper is well worth the 15-minutes it will take. – no matter how tired you are. Rope everyone in and just whizz through the house putting stuff away. Starting the next morning with a tidy house will make you feel good
- Good shelving controls clutter and makes tidying up so much easier. There are some lovely storage solutions at Cox and Cox and this green shelf trolley on wheels is absolutely my favourite! So stylish and practical too.
Pin how to have a clutter free home with kids for later
So there you go – how to have a clutter free home with kids and actually it will make your life so much easier if you do.
Over to you for more thoughts on how to have a clutter free home with kids
I would love to hear you experiences of how to have a clutter free home with kids – do you manage this or is his an area you struggle with…do drop me a comment below.
You might also like my post on How to declutter your home and ways to maximise space in your small home also my post on why we are scared to declutter
also have a look at my top five declutter tips and decluttering tips for new moms
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A clutter free home with kids is a collaborative post
What a wonderful post, Becky. Of course, one has to become aware of the growing issue of consumerism. The lesser you own, the lesser clutter you can end up having! A regular decluttering session is not only a must for any home, but it can also be quite therapeutic. Thanks for the tips!