Decluttering tips for new moms – How you can keep your room clean despite being busy

Decluttering tips for new moms

It’s indeed a puzzle! Children’s rooms are usually small, most often they’re shared and may even lack any kind of built-in storage. In spite of being small, such rooms are host to outgrown clothing, excess toys and household overflow from other rooms. Children usually fail to stay organized when their closet is already crammed, their drawers are stuffed and their toys are strewn through the entire carpet area.

Decluttering tips for new moms


Decluttering tips for new moms

It is true that you won’t love the idea of clutter in your home. Having stuff all over the place is not something we love because it not only clutters our physical space but it clutters our emotional well-being as well. In fact, it can also adversely affect our ability to focus on some particular work. But how are you supposed to deal with clutter when you’re in a busy job, or commuting to different workplaces or preparing meals for your kids? Here are few tips to declutter your home. ( you mihgt also like this list of great books on minimalism)

  • Feel positive and good about decluttering

Researchers at the Yale School of Medicine showed that eliminating clutter is indeed a painful job. Hence the first step should always be feeling good about starting the process so that you don’t get discouraged easily.

  • Break it into small baby steps

Instead of doing it all in a single day, declutter one space at a time, a book, a drawer, a room or a closet. Since the task is a bit tiring, make sure you do it in a way which doesn’t make you feel overwhelmed.

  • Sort out objectsdecluttering tips for new moms

Begin with a small section of your kid’s domain like either a small area of the floor, a single shelf or a single drawer. Take hold of each of the items and ask yourself whether or not you need them. Get the best lego storage bag as its handy enough for storing all sorts of toys and other objects which are usually left cluttered inside your kid’s room. Give away things which your kid won’t use anymore or throw them away.

  • Start organizing and have patience

Stop all the clutter and then begin with the noble task of organizing things. While doing this, you may also have those lidded storage containers ready or the storage bag mentioned above. Toss off few items like connecting blocks into one bag, doll’s clothing into another and all those tiny cars and trucks into another.

  • Toss them or donate them

Finally when it’s time for you to toss the trash, get back to those toy bags and allot them their assigned rooms. Either sell off few of them or donate them to needy kids or stack them at proper places.

Therefore, if you’re a new mom and you still can’t keep up with the huge clutter that is being created by your toddlers off late, take into account the above mentioned tips and strategies to maintain a clean and tidy house.


I hope you have enjoyed this post on decluttering tips for new mopms you many also like my post on How to have a clutter free home with kids

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1 Comment

  1. April 15, 2017 / 7:11 pm

    It’s always so much easier to stay on track with house cleaning if you outline exactly what needs to be done and tend to it in a timely manner like you suggest here. It’s less stressful, and it ensures that every part of your home will be clean. Nice work! Thanks for the pointers!

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