What I love about Christmas – The Christmas Tag

Today – The Christmas Tag

The Christmas Tag


The Christmas TAG

Gorgeous family and travel blogger Zena from  Zena’s Suitcase shared a Christmas Tag sharing her favourite things about the Christmas season and she has tagged me in.

I love Christmas so I was just delighted!

the christmas tag

Here are my favourite things about the festive season

What’s Your Favourite Christmas Movie?

Oh it has to be Jungle all the way, it’s funny, cheesy and heartwarming – perfect ingredients for a Christmas movie

Have You Ever Had A White Christmas?

Yes, a few times. I am not a fan of the snow though. I know this sounds a bit bah humbug but  I just hate being cold and the crunch of ice – ick. Mind you I also hate to go in our freezer so I was never going to like snow much!

Where Do You Usually Spend Your Holiday?

On Christmas Eve we go to my lovely brother in laws and the whole family gather. It’s just lovely. 98-year-old Great Grandma is the guest we love the mostest. Christmas day we are at home with my lovely aunty and boxing day we got o my mother inlaws. Both my parents have passed away and I miss them terribly at Christmas time so it’s good for me to be busy.

What Is Your Favourite Christmas Song?

I love White Christmas (the song and the movie) My mum and dad loved old films and musicals and they always remind me of Sunday afternoons after a lovely dinner and being at home. Precious memories

Can You Name All Of Santa’s Reindeer?

Donner, Blitzen, Cupid, Rudolph, Basher? Dasher,

Basher doesn’t sound right, does it?

What Holiday Traditions Are You Looking Forward To This Year?

On Christmas Eve we open our Santa sack and take out our Christmas candle. As we light it we say aloud the names of those we have loved and lost and we blow them a Christmas kiss to heaven. Then I tell the children the story of the nativity using an old wooden set we have had for years. Next, we snuggle up in new PJ’s and I read them the Night Before Christmas. We leave out carrots for Rudolph and sprinkle glitter on the front lawn to light Rudolph’s way. I love Christmas Eve.

What Is The Best Christmas Present You Ever Received?

Do you know honestly I can’t remember many of them! I guess it’s really not about the gifts, is it? When I was very little I got tiny tears doll which I still have and who I adored for years.

Most Memorable Christmas Memory?

I recall when my son was in hospital Christmas day and it was so scary,  needed blood and then he was suddenly all better and I was so, so, so happy.

What Made You Realise The Truth About Santa?

My BF at primary school told me in year 6. I had no clue. I was and remain very disappointed.

What Makes The Holidays Special For You?

Lots of my old friends come back to the area I grew up ( where I still live) to see their families at Christmas. I adore catching up with them. I also love my kids being so excited and having so much fun over the whole season. Oh, and Christmas crafting makes me happy too! Oh and all the nice food – that’s a winner. Oh and I love a panto! Have a peek here how to put on your own panto

Oh and I do love a luxury Christmas dining room – makes me feel all warm and fuzzy

the christmas tag

I’m going to ask some of my favourite bloggers to share their answers too, so if you want to catch up with their Christmas tag posts click on the links below.


Other bloggers underatake the Christmas Tag

Emma at Emma and 3

Cadi at An Adventurous Girl

Cass at Diary of a Frugal Family

Donna at Little Lilypad

Chris at Thinly Spread

Sally at Who’s the Mummy


If you’d like to share what makes Christmas special for you, please do leave me a comment below. You might also like a peek at my post on how to have a thrifty Christmas




1 Comment

  1. December 5, 2017 / 9:41 pm

    I loved reading this Becky. Thanks so much for joining in. Your Christmas Eve traditions sound really special

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