Hermione Norris Interview (about irons and starting school!)

Today – Hermione Norris Interview

Time with our kids has always been absolutely vital to me and I know to all the readers of this blog.and this latest research by Philips PerfectCare shows that women continue to be time short, apparently 

  • British women spend over three weeks on household chores every year (not me!)
  • Over 40 per cent of women enjoy less than one hour of “me time” every week
  • Four in ten women attacked by ‘The Guilt Factor’ and feel guilty about leaving their house untidy (Oh yes!)
  • One in ten even admitted to spending four hours each day on household chores – the equivalent of two whole months a year!

Well as a stay at home mum if I had thought I spent 2 whole months a year cleaning I would be really sad. But for a going out to work mum whose time spent with the kids is so precious spending so much time cleaning would  be a tragedy.

Philips have invented a steam generator iron that can actually cut ironing time in half. I believe any busy mumI would absolutely love this appliance!

British actress and star of Cold Feet and Spooks Hermione Norris  has helped Philips launch this new Philips PerfectCare steam generator and I was intrigued why this was a product she would endorse.

 hermione norris interview


( By the way this was my first ever celebrity interview and I was more than a little bit excited and stuffed up with cold – she did well to follow my bumbling questions!)


Hermione Norris Interview

Hermione and I have children in the same gender order  and exactly the same age. Our little girls have just stared school so we had a lot to chat about. She as absolutely lovely, warm, friendly and just like you and me. , She was all sad her baby had flown the nest and talked about sewing on name tags and ‘seeming too you g to go’ with me quite happily. She impressed me with just being so natural.

It was clear from talking to her that Hermione‘s children are absolutely precious to her and time with them is vitally important. I asked her how she carves out as much time for them as possible despite her busy job. She told me how she fills in admin at lunchtime and learns her lines as she travels into work to try and make a clear separation between work and home.

She also told me she has a very supportive husband and enlists help wherever she can and that she is a firm belief in labour saving devices (did she mean the husband??) No apparently not – the new Philips iron was the perfect example. She said she had hers for a month and she honestly thinks it’s amazing.

hermione norris interview, Philips PerfectCare steam generator

Philips PerfectCare steam generator

Let me tell you a bit about it. Basically it blasts really hot steam so your ironing gets done perfectly and speedily. You don’t have to alter the thermostat whatever you are ironing from silk to wools and it is the first iron if its kind. It will take out creases instantly and not scorch any material. Wow.

Hermione loved it and said it saved on dry cleaning because it was so fab on gentle fabric and it was such a brilliant time saving device. A real support to busy parents

It is not a budget buy at £230 but time is very precious.My dishwashers cost about the same and I suppose its purpose is purely time saving too. If you can claw back an hour or more each week, if you can avoid expensive trips to the dry cleaners, you can then have more time with your children or even a bit of time for yourself.  .I think for a working mum who needs to look smart and is time short this could be prove a really useful product.

Philips PerfectCare steam generator is avaible at Philips.co.uk, John Lewis and Amazon


I do hope you have enjoyed my Hermione Norris interview and enjoyed this look at the Philips PerfectCare steam generator – she was just so very lovely. I may have my first celebrity interview in the bag but I have to say I am stull a bit star struck!


You might also like a look at my Bear Grylls interview



  1. Liz Burton
    September 29, 2011 / 9:35 pm

    That is one amazing iron!

    But too jealous of you meeting the gorgeous Hermione. I loved her in Cold Feet and Spooks has never been the same without her. She was brilliant in Wire in the Blood too. so nice to hear she’s just as lovely in person :0)

  2. Becky
    September 29, 2011 / 10:26 pm

    sadly I was in my nightie with nest hair it was a phone interview but she was lovely x

  3. chitarre gibson prezzi
    November 20, 2011 / 8:18 am

    Hi, this is a great post! Thanks..

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