Inspired by the small stuff post over at The Madhouse blog I kept thinking bout my own small stuff, little things that make me happy. Interestingly they are mostly free or inexpernsive things. Here goes…
I like my childrens hugs each and every moring, Nat King Cole, hot buttered toast, the smell of really good strong coffee, tiffin with bloggy friends, the lawn freshly cut, the paper and time to read, Don Williams, new socks for us all, folded line fresh laundry, a new Jane Green novel, pain au chocolat, first class on the train, hot chocolate with cream. book club, old, old friends, old photos, memories to share, funny stories, a new journal, a good plan, proper letters, big old fashioned fragrant roses, a hot bubbly bath, Micheal Buble, my head on a soft pillow, desert island discs, my nephews and neices, my chilldren enjoying reading, Enid Blyton, writing, diamonds rings, a suntan, sunshine, eating outside, children holding hands and chattering, kindness, surprises, birthdays, long chats with good friends, learning something new, peace, good news, horses, fairies, my children in pjs, being alone and awake at 6 am, new friends who just click, quiet, laughter, Louis Macneice, Franz Marc, Arthur Miller, singstar, being solvent, equality, bravery, resposnibility, old couples still in love,a nice pen, snowdrops, butterflies, painting with children, reunited families, courage, traditions, and icecream with chocolate sauce.
Photo Credit: Bijoy Mohan
What do you like most in life?
Such a lovely post…I might do one too 🙂
Oh you must it made me feel really happy
I love all these posts, they really make me smile. I am going to print it off and put it on my wall