Simple ideas are often those that give life ease and joy. For you and your small child these are everyday ideas to make part of your day to day (friends optional.)
1. Swimming is cheap and generally adored. Good for you full of giggles and lots of lovely bonding. Check out at your local leisure centre when their parent and toddler sessions are and pop along. Take your own lunch for after there is often somewhere to feed your baby. Swimming courses for babies can be costly and problematic; colds, injections, appointments and Grandma visiting can all get in the way and you can miss more than you make. Ad hoc pay as you go reduces wasted expense.
2. Parks – fabulously free and fantastic fun I have spent many hours on the park. To ring in the changes my little girl has pushed her dollies and her brother’s cars down the slides and swung her teddies in the swing. We have hit the park at 8 in the morning and taken breakfast, we have had a 10-baby strong teddy bears picnic there. We celebrated Earth day with tree rubbings and a book swap and lots of other families. Find all your local fab parks and make the very most of them.
3. A walk somewhere beautiful…. a great chance for a toddle, or push ride, fresh air, sight seeing, duck feeding, perhaps chatting things over with friends and getting some exercise. Scout out any lovely local walks and make them part of your play date routine. Taking a little picnic blanket, a flask, snacks and a ball make it all the more fun! Waiting for the sun is a complete waste of time grab your rain-mac and some wellies and embrace the elements.
4. Open up your home, stick on the kettle and don’t be proud, babies are just happy to play with other baby toys. If you have a play date over a lunchtime ask your friends if they want to bring their packed lunch to have at yours this saves anyone rushing away at lunchtime but saves lots of work and cash out for you. My bath is held up by parcel tape and I still have people round. You don’t need to be proud or worry few people care as much as you do about the state of you house. If its good enough for your baby its good enough for anyone.
5. Lastly parent and toddler groups may seem scary but be BRAVE and head on in. You will soon settle in and be an old timer. For 50p- £1 you get juice, biscuits, craft, a story, singing, new friends for baby and for you, different toys to play with, a change of scenery and a regular rainy day activity. The best way to make friends is offer to help hand out drinks or stay at the end to clear up. Put on a big smile tell people their child is cute and ask how old they are (the chid I mean!) you will soon be deep in conversation and may make some fab new friends.