From burnout to brilliant – Fabulous free e-course designed for mums

Are you a busy mum, at the heart of your family, the main person holding everything together? Would you like More time? More energy? More fun and less stress? It’s not just business types that get burnout …being a mum can sometimes overwhelm you and get you down.

 I was offered the chance to read and review life coach Grace Marshall’s From Burnout to Brilliant – Regaining your Oomph in 12 easy steps e-book. I really want you to read it yourself so I’m only going to give you a little glimpse into it and tell you what I thought. about it.

 Grace describes her e-book as a collection of thoughts, exercises and tips to challenge and inspire you to take control, tune into your own needs, revitalise, release and balance!  Oh and how I needed a big dose of that. I’m just recovering from a shoulder injury and have been on a lot of meds that have made me feel groggy, bad tempered and out of sorts. I am also a bit unsure where I want to go career wise (my baby’s are both going to be at school within the next 18 months) and I need some direction. Bring it on Grace!

Copyright: JIm Sutton 2006

 The tips in this book encouraged me to explore what I need, what I want and what was blocking me. My absolute favourite exercise was step 7 when I got to write down how I really feel without defence (blimey where did all that come from!) then I had to list what bought me joy and see about bringing it into my life.  It was really beneficial…I have being doing jobs, getting through the pain of my injury and neglecting joy terribly.  I have made my list and am scheduling a joy date once a week into my diary. Starting with seeing Eclipse with some good friends and popcorn!

 I  loved Graces e-book. I feel up beat about it but I don’t feel I have evaded the tough stuff. As a psychotherapist, pick me up tips with no substance feel a bit like cheap sticking plasters to me. Grace’s book makes you work a little, think, confront and be honest then it sets you off down a better track. I would really recommend it. It doesn’t take long to do each step but they are definately steps worth taking.

 Exclusive Babybudgeting offer from Grace Marshall

Being a mum is no doubt one of the toughest and busiest jobs there is. With everything that the motherhood title covers – from housekeeper to children’s entertainer, peacekeeper, comforter, taxi-driver and much more – we never seem to have enough time for our kids, house, partner, work, and everyone else, let alone ourselves.

From Burnout to Brilliant can really help. You can access it step by step over 12 weeks by email for free, or buy the complete course as an e-book you can choose to take at your own pace for only £9.99.

For Baby Budgeting readers, enter the code BBJULY to grab a fantastic 50% discount in July only. The link to sign up for the e-course or to buy the e-book is at




  1. July 5, 2010 / 10:09 am

    Hi Becky,
    Lovely to meet you on Saturday…!
    It makes me very happy indeed to see Grace featured here so positively, having known and worked with Grace for a little while, I know how helpful she is.

  2. Becky
    July 5, 2010 / 1:59 pm

    She is pretty fab I reckon shes read her own e-book! Good to meet you too Linda x

  3. July 5, 2010 / 8:59 pm

    Wow thank you both, I am blushing profusely now! And delighted that it’s making such a difference to you Becky. Mums are amazing, and I love it whenever I can help a mum to recognise that. x

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