How to Raise your Kids to Be Mentally Strong

Today – How to to Raise your Kids to Be Mentally Strong


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How to Raise your Kids to Be Mentally Strong

Part of parenting always has an eye to the future doesn’t – looking at ways to help our children survive the knocks and tumbles that life inevitably brings whether this is physically or mentally.

I know you, like me, want to find out how to raise your kids to be mentally strong. In fact, teaching your kids how to be mentally strong is crucial, and key to positive and nurturing parenting so here are some tips to help you do just that:

Encourage Realistic Thinking

A lot of us, even as adults, tend to struggle with this one. The ability to think in a realistic manner is highly underrated, and not a lot of people have the ability to do so, and often find themselves on either end of the spectrum- optimism or pessimism. Remind your little one that it is not necessary to judge every situation- it is okay to just have healthy self-talk and think things through logically.

Raise your Kids to Be Mentally Strong by modelling this yourself when times get tough. Children learn so much more from what they see than they do form what they here. realistic thinking will make your life immeasurably better too.

Raise your Kids to Be Mentally Strong

Open Up

Focusing only on academics will get your child prepared for college, but not to handle the things life throws at them. Allow your child to openly express their emotions and feelings with you, and you too, be open about yours. This will help them understand and make sense of their emotions better, learning different ways to cope. It is not all down to genetics and circumstance..there really is so much we can do to help and so many ways to raise your kids to be mentally strong.


Teach Valuable Skills to Raise your Kids to Be Mentally Strong

Right from an early age, teach your child valuable skills such as impulse control, problem-solving, gratitude, patience and self-discipline. This will not just shape your child into a good adult, but will also help them become mentally strong and able to handle setbacks in a much better way.


Make Self Care a Priority

Self-care, when practised in the right way, can really help an individual shine – whether it is an adult or a child. Help your kid discover ways to rejuvenate and take care of themselves, with a specific focus on their mind. Emphasize healthy eating and sleeping habits and include exercise as a part of the daily routine.


Raise your Kids to Be Mentally Strong by teaching them to Face the Fears

It may make sense to protect your child from the things and situations that he fears, but if you’re overdoing it, you may risk your little one never having the confidence to face those fears. Allow him to feel uncomfortable and tackle his fears, one step at a time. Be there for support and offer praise when he faces those fears gracefully.

Teach Gratefulness

Gratitude is the solution to almost everything- right from lack of confidence and self-pity to pessimism and negative self-talk, so do make sure you make it a priority in your household. Once your kid realizes they have a lot to be thankful for,  they will definitely feel mentally strong.


Raise your Kids to Be Mentally Strong by Teaching Emotional Control

This one’s last on the list, but definitely not the least. As a parent, one of the best things you could do is teach your child to be mentally strong and handle emotions better. Don’t try to suppress their emotions when they are angry or sad, rather teach them how to handle feelings and moods in a healthy way through journalling/talking/exercising. An important tool for life.


So – 7 Ways to Raise Your Kids to Be Mentally Strong – what would you add to this? Please leave me a comment below I am so interested in all your ideas too,


Teach kids to create their own happy

Do take a look at my book Create Your Own Happy – it is packed with happiness boosting ideas for kids and it is an interactive and fun way for them to build resilienmce and growth mindset

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Raise your Kids to Be Mentally Strong right through their teens

For older kids you might also enjoy my new book Be Happy Be You  a teenage guide to happiness co-authored with Penny Alexander which is a teenage guide to happiness


be happy be you, teenage guide to happiness

Do you have any tips on how to Raise your Kids to Be Mentally Strong to share?

If you want to work on your own wellbeing do have  a look at my post here on how to be more content  and at this post on effective ways to help kids calm down

You might also like my post on how to teach kids to be generous


1 Comment

  1. December 27, 2018 / 11:25 am

    Hi Becky. A very very very helpful informative post. I have been really wondering with my 4 years baby in last couple of months. Now, I am quite hopeful for his bright future. Your post really helped me. Keep posting such types of article regularly. Thanks a ton.

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