What’s your name? Lyndsey Young
How old are your Kids? 9 yo and 6 yo
Where do you work? Home/office? – Garden office
Tell me about your business?
I am an easy green living expert and eco product developer – The Queen of Easy Green™. Through my green living tips and advice, plus innovative household products, I show busy families how easy it is to live a greener life, which will save them money, whilst being stylish and kind to the environment. The Queen of Easy Green™ – the nudging, not nagging guide to sustainable living. http://www.queenofeasygreen.co.uk
What childcare suppot do you have? None , the nature of my business allows me the flexibility to work around my children’s schedule.
What inspired you to start your own business?
I’d previously had my own business, but due to a serious spinal condition I had to give this up and undergo major surgery. After recovering from the operations and several years back on the corporate wheel, whilst on maternity leave I was fortunate enough to win £15,500 on the first ever show of Deal or No Deal. I knew this was my opportunity to get back to doing what I love most, being creative and running my own business
When did you start your business? I started my business in 2007
Any start up fees? No, I already had everything I needed.
What are your aims for your business?
My goal is to make the Queen of Easy Green™ brand the number one choice for trusted everyday, family advice on sustainable living and to license and launch further eco-friendly Queen of Easy Green™ products .
Have you got 3 tips for any mum thinking of starting a business on a budget?
Research and never be frightened of asking experts for their advice
Don’t rush in, it is better to take lots of small positive steps in the right direction, than to jump in with both feet, then have to back track.
Make sure you love what you do, you’ll be living, eating and breathing it and so will those around you, so make sure you choose something that matches your passion.
Do you have a blog /facebook page/ twitter account? Do these help promote your business?
Yes, we have our website www.queenofeasygreen.co.uk blog, Queen of Easy Green Facebook page and of course, I’m on twitter @mummypreneur
All of these social networking tools are essential for not only promoting my business, but for developing relationships with my audience. By engaging with my audience through a variety of social media, I can discuss what is happening with Queen of Easy Green™, including the projects we are involved in, listen and respond to issues that my audience are talking about and also share other relevant news which will be of interest to them.
The core of my audience are busy mums like me, so it is also essential that I communicate with them using tools and forums that are relevant to their lifestyle. For example, I write a regular column for At Home magazine, review products and run competitions on www.queenofeasygreen.co.uk, produce ‘How to videos’ on our Queen of Easy Green Youtube channel, post interesting articles and fun facts on our Facebook page and tweet links and share audio on Twitter. If you are near a computer or have a smartphone, the Queen of Easy Green is always just a click away!
Where else you can find Queen of Easy Green™:
Energy Saving Trust/Shell/ IoD’s consumer facing website www.energyrethinking.org
Ambassador for British Frozen Food Federation’s consumer facing site www.thenewiceage.com
Simple – Leading UK Beauty skincare experts
Growing Direct – Fresh Food Ind. Direct Relationship Specialist
Regular guest on BBC radio lifestyle and consumer programmes