The Beano Annual 2015

My 10 year old son is a major Beano fan.

He has an ongoing subscription and eagerly awaits its delivery each week. Here is is dressed up for World Book Day last year.
When we were asked if we would like to review the Beano Annual 2015 he was elated! (I never let him get annuals early) He always gets a Beano Annual in his Christmas stocking.

The Beano Annual 2015 has all the old favorites Dennis the Menace, The Bash Street |Kids, the Numskulls and Roger the Dodger and it is 112 pages of just laugh out loud funny.

It’s RRP is £7.99 and it is money well spent as I am sure it will be read again and again,


On the cover you can see Dennis an Gnasher catching the Beano express from St. Pamcras and you may be wondering why that is? Well there is a bit of Beano invasion going down at St Pancras this October  with some lovely meet and greet and drawing classes on offer to kids. Do take a look here for dates and details

My son giggled a lot and gave the Beano annual the big thumbs up. You can’t get better than that. The Beano continues to amuse. Did you know  it’s been running since 1938!

Available …Everywhere that sells book really!

You can follow the Beano on twitter @beanocomic



  1. Chris at Thinly Spread
    October 22, 2014 / 12:14 pm

    Oh. My. Word. My Beano Bonkers Boy will love this! *books a ticket to London immediately* 🙂

  2. October 22, 2014 / 7:54 pm

    My 7yo is really into Beano at the moment. She has picked it up from her cousin who reads them all the time. My Mum regularly buys them both the magazines to read.

  3. October 27, 2014 / 2:07 pm

    Daniella absolutely loves the Beano. We recently sorted out a load of books from the attic and found some old Beano annuals. She has been avidly reading them in bed for the last couple of weeks!

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