Staying in with Kids on New Years Eve
Today I am over at Nottingham Evening Post sharing some tips and ideas about staying in with the kids on New Years Eve. If that’s your situation why don’t you pop and have a read here
I think it’s all in the embracing of a family new year and in the planning for a family new year. Throw your single days wild night memories out and welcome in the new. It really can still be magical, maybe even more so.
Ideas for Staying in with Kids on New Years Eve
Last year I showed you how to make a wishing tree for new year with your children. We have just looked over our wishes some like learn to ride a bike, settle particular debt and decorate the house have been met. Some like visit old friends remain sadly outstanding and need re- wishing.
How will you get on this year?
I wish you the very best of time at New Year and throughout 2014.
My philosophy for the year ahead?
Love is a verb.
I do hope you have enjoyed my post on staying in with kids on New years Eve
Have a look here for some more easy ways to celebrate new years eve with your kids and at my post on how to set reachable new year’s goals
Such a lovely idea. You have done so well to achieve the goals you had set. Here’s to 2014 and the next goals. 🙂
I’ll remember that, Love is indeed a verb. Happy new year Becky. Mich x
Now we stay in and my older children stay up for New Year, I really MUST start creating some traditions. Love the wishing tree, I think goals, wishes and bucket lists are far nicer and more positive than resolutions! xx