I’m Becky Goddard-Hill a mum and a writer who lives in Nottingham with my son and daugther.2 . I am a parenting author and a children’s therapist.
I like to write about creative ways in which families can save money in their daily lives and live well on less.
I do accept ads/advertising and links on my blog from time to time. You can contact me at Beckygoddardhill@gmail.com or on 07969138684
Hi Becky excellent site and articles. I have referred to you in my own site regarding baby budgeting advice. Anthony
Yes… really useful looking site, well done. I stumbled upon the blog via Twitter.
Hello Becky, i love this website, its been a hard month hopefully by 2012 things will be better, thanks for this site, im going to look at your section about making money, a lady in the charity shop said i should ebay my old stuff so im going to attempt to get in the attic at the weekend if Dad lends me his ladder lol, thanks again jade xx
Hi Becky, I love your blog! What a great job you’ve done with it. I’ve only recently started my blog and I’m really enjoying it and when I came across blogs like yours it really inspires me to make mine better. I totally understand where you’re coming from, I work part-time at the moment as a teacher and while I love teaching, I love my children and our family life more. I’ve recently found out I’m expecting my third and really want to stay at home as long as possible with this one. Thanks so much for your inspiring words, I would like to link to your blog in a future post if that’s OK with you?
Just bought your book, looking forward to reading it! Loved the article in Prima!
Thank you Emma!
Fabulous blog, came across it via Twitter. Will be linking to mine – not quite as popular as yours (!) but early days, and when I read ones like yours they really inspire me. Thank you!
Thank you thats very sweet